my pet

my pet

Quite often pet food sicken our pets. A famous example from the past is Melamin in pet food, which led to torturous deaths for some dogs. Beside pet food there are other things, like toys, that come into contact with our pets and are contaminated with cheimicals like plastisizers, PAHs (polyaromatic hydrocarbons) and other chemicals.

my-lab International offers analyses to indicate the sources of such contaminations.

  • Analysis of one heavy metal/element out of the drop dowm menue.

  • Analysis of trace elements in food and feed. The elements Mg, Ca, Na, K are needed for a number of different metabolic functions.

  • The usual method of analysing the nutrition of feed is called the Weender Analysis. It analyses the concentration of water,  raw fat, raw protein, raw fibre, raw ash and nitrogen free extraction substances.


  • 231,34€
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