my Food

my Food

There are a lot of different kinds of diet. And what is the best for you is your personal choice.

Whether your personal choice is a vegetarian, mixed diet or vegan, everybody agrees about one thing: the food must be free of pollutants and the quality must be good.


  • Water

    Drinking water is one of the best controlled food. But what happens after the water left the waterworks? Secondary sources of contamination very often take place within the house or within hot water cylinders. Virus, bacteria or heavy metals can migrate into our drinking water.

    Beside drinking water commercial products like mineral water or soft drinks are common in every household. Although these products are intensively checked it has been shown by NGOs like Stiftung Warentest and Ökotest that there are significant differences in their water quality.

  • Ingredients

    Basically we categorize the food ingredient in macro nutrients and micro nutrients. Macro nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins and fat. Micro nutrients are vitamines, trace elements and secondary metabolites of plants.

    Within this category we offer analyses to determine the content of dedicated food ingredients.

  • Contaminants

    Contaminants can be devided into several groups. There are inorganic contaminants like heavy metals and organic contaminants like dioxines, pesticides and other industrial pollutants.

    Additionaly food can be impured by microorganismes, allergenes and GMO (genetically modified organisms).

    Using this category you can find analyses of all food contaminants.

Analytical services for food